The Foundation wants to help people upgrade and improve their living condition and standard, specially the poor children who either are orphans and left to their own or have parents who unfortunately cannot contribute to their upbringing. LWDF, in its limited ways, thrives to bring smile to as many faces as possible in U.S. and India.
Living with Dignity is registered under Section 12(A) (A) of Income Tax Act. Donation to Living with Dignity is exempted
under Section 80(G) of Income Tax Act 1961 vide I.T. Order No. DIT(E)/188/8E/45/10-11 dated 30.07.2010.
Fund can be transferred to our Bank Account No. 403210110002489 with Bank of India,
Free School Street Branch, Kolkata - 700 016, IFS Code BKID0004032.